Version 1.1.0

Five New Languages

This update introduces very fast Anti-Aliasing options so you can enjoy our live rendered vector graphics without aliasing even on older systems. We also have five new language: Portuguese (Brazil), Catalan, Croatian, Danish and Swiss German.

Check out the changelog below or the CHANGELOG.txt included with this release for more details.

Version 1.1.0

  • Languages: Adds new languages - Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Swiss German
  • Rendering: Adds new Anti-Aliasing options suited for less powerful devices (FXAA and SMAA)
  • Drainpipes: Fixes a rare gamebreak when using a specific item
  • Savegames: Fixes a rare bug where loading a savegame with only one character from a gamestate with all characters available made them unintentionally playable
  • Achievements: Fixes counter of dialogue line achievements - Flatshare/FF_Right: Fixes doors cannot close on right-click
  • Hoagie: Fixes an issue with a specific item recipe
  • Inventory: Fixes an issue with the lock state not being reset on starting a new game
  • Kitchen: Fixes glitch getting more items from the microwave in certain situations
  • Linux: Fixes white square cursor on NonInteractive
  • Sf_Edna: Fixes sorting layer issues in certain situations
  • Dialogues: Fixes dialogue audio being panned wrong under rare circumstances on certain systems
  • Lobby: Adds new animation: Bernard hits his head the first time he enters the clock
  • Lobby: Fixes a minor positioning issue with Hoagie entering the clock
  • Menu: Fixes music fading in on exiting the game
  • Roof: Adds missing takefail on chimney
  • Menu: Fixes unrelated buttons can be clicked during the Confirm-Exit-Screen
  • Interface: Right-Click release timer increased
  • Graphics: Minor Updates to some animations

Files 1,005 MB
Version 1.1.0 Aug 19, 2018 1,008 MB
Version 1.1.0 Aug 19, 2018 1,022 MB
Version 1.1.0 Aug 19, 2018 1,002 MB
Version 1.1.0 Aug 19, 2018

Get Return of the Tentacle

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